Illegal cannabis grows on California public lands, known as “trespass grows” constitute one of the leading issues threatening California’s wildlife and communities. Trespass grows, 90% of which are controlled by drug trafficking organizations (DTO’s), contain copious amounts of illegal pesticides, rodenticides and herbicides. These toxicants contaminate water, poison wildlife, and pose a serious threat for wide-spread human exposure. These grows undercut the legal market, place rural and tribal communities at risk, threaten natural resource economies, and undermine the original purpose of our public lands.
1. Secure and increase state and federal resources for trespass grow reclamation
2. Train regional non-profits to increase statewide reclamation capacity
3. Train tribal reclamation crews to remediate ancestral lands
4. Increase criminal penalties for those bringing toxicants onto public lands

Community Governance Partnership
The Community Governance Partnership exists to empower others, through a combination of directed trainings, partnership development and assisting with community-based campaigns that tie into larger issues. CGP's mission is to see key social and environmental issues addressed through new, innovative community alliances, to address key planning and conservation issues with new tools, and make CGP's partners' work made more effective.

California Wilderness Coalition
The California Wilderness Coalition (CalWild) protects and restores the state’s wildest natural landscapes and watersheds on public lands. These important wild places provide clean air and water, refuges for wildlife, mitigation against the effects of climate change, and outstanding opportunities for recreation and spiritual renewal for people. CalWild is the only statewide organization dedicated solely to protecting and restoring the wild places and native biodiversity of California’s public lands.
Greta Wengert, Integral Ecology Research Center
Justin Pressfield, Dewey Square Group
Ann Carlson, Mendocino National Forest
John Haschak, Mendocino County Board of Supervisors
Steve Madrone, Humboldt County Board of Supervisors
Larry Glass, Northcoast Environmental Center
Don Hoang, USFS Special Agent
Lt. John Nores, CDFW Game Warden (Ret); Author
Nick Goulette, Watershed Research & Training Center
Cannabis Farmers Association/California Cannabis Industry Association
Assemblymember James Gallagher
National Cannabis Industry Association
California Cannabis Industry Association
California Growers Association
Environmental Protection & Information Center (EPIC)
Ventana Wilderness Alliance
California Native Plant Society